To make up for it all, I've found you this delicious fairy diary from Warm Biscuit, a newly discovered online store that has me charmed completely.
Would you not have loved this as a child? Are you not tempted to buy it, on the pretense that it's for your niece, while knowing full well you'll keep it for yourself?
And here's something you should know: fairies are the new skulls. Remember, you heard it here first. (But you have to spell it "faeries." Not sure why, but know it as fact. Trust me.)
Warm Biscuit
So frustrating not having internet access.
Great link and what a wonderful name - Warm Biscuit.
Thanks for the plug...laughed out loud (lol for the younger set!) with the FAIERY comment! So Euro and so not Warm Biscuit.
Cheers (my attempt to be sophisticated)
ohh... a sweet picture.....
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