The blogosphere is on fire with the issue that bloggers wish their readers would leave comments. Here I go and throw my hat and two cents into the ring. I think this great t-shirt from ThinkGeek sums it up. "I blog, therefore I am. Comments(0)"
Yup. We blog because we have this need to put it out there. We share our passion for the things we love, and it makes us feel more alive. And far too frequently, Comments(0).
We know we're being visited. We have these traffic tracking gizmos that we check (in my case) upwards of 30 times a day to see how many visitors we've had, where they've come from, what they've looked at and where they went when they left. Sometimes (for me, lately) these stats are a wonderful thing: I've got readers, therefore I am! Again, though: far too frequently, Comments(0). That's the disheartening one. That's the one where when we check our e-mail upwards of 50 times a day and don't have any alerts that someone has left a comment--that's the let-down.
So we're asking--I'll say, inviting--those who read to click on "Comments" and say a few words. You don't have to know me and you don't have to be a blogger and you don't have to say anything profound and you don't have to take a lot of time with it. But if you see something you like, something you're glad I shared, click on "Comments" and say, for example, "Cool!" I invite you to do this both because it fuels my passion, and because I've met some of the most wonderful people from all over the world simply because they left a comment.
Some are suggesting a poll or a contest to get people to participate. I love this idea. My biggest fear is that I'll announce a contest and have a lovely prize for the winner (hint: I sell used books, and some of them are awesome) but no one will participate. And then I'll feel like the kid who's picked last for the ball team. I'll feel like, "I blog, but still somehow I'm not."
So, consider this an open-house and come on in. Your presence will be welcome, and you'll be part of this small community, if only for a moment. And our hearts will both be warm and fuzzy.
Cool T-Shirt. I really like this blog because of all the quirky stuff that you feature :)
I love this!!!
Awesome. Think we just need to get creative and involve our readers and before you know it we will have a fun interacting community. k
Thanks for stopping by--this is my first time reading your blog but I like it, just like the title says: an eclectic mix of things to look at. I'm definitely adding you to my daily reads!
I really appreciate this post! Thanks :)
I'm so with you on your observations about comments. There's something kind of spooky about seeing your blog counter turn over, but nobody says a thing...
Anyway, thanks for the comments you've left on my blog (and I hope you got my email by now, otherwise there's something really odd going on!)
Thanks, dzeni! I love your blog too. I've been playing around with the new version of Apophysis, but with nothing like the results you've been getting. Also, fun to see you playing with Tierazon, another of my favorites!
Preppy Princess, thanks so much! I'm glad I discovered your blog via Absolutely Beautiful Things, and will be a frequent visitor :)
kstyle, I think you're right on target. Now if I could only think of a contest . . .
Thanks, Si. I love Cuteable.com too, especially after a long hard day that included very little by way of cuteness!
Thanks, lorenzstudio! And I love the way you're giving exposure to Etsy artists on Lorenz Studio. Support Indie designers, crafters and artists! Yay!
Heather, yes, it is kind of spooky. They lurk in the shadows. . . I have to reassure myself they're friendly spirits!
I read your blog nearly every day! I have discovered so many amazing things because of you! So thank you!
anonymous, thank you so much for letting me know I have such a loyal reader. it cheers me immensely!
hi there,
it's my first time by but the fact that you are a used book seller caught my attention! will bookmark you and return again...
good reading here!
Aww. You nailed it. It's funny how we just feel a need to get things out there... Why? Dunno? Just do.
Thanks for commenting on my blog and letting me know you're there.
p.s. LOVE this shirt.
:) bb
BB, my pleasure. I discovered your blog last night, and really had a blast exploring it. It's a great blog! I'll be back :)
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