A belated but heartfelt thanks to Gary Payn of Spray Glue for his December post saying nice things about Eclectic Detective. And to Heather Moore for pointing him in my direction.
Spray Glue is a design blog, and Gary's eye for design and charming writing style make it well worth a look.
As for Heather Moore, you may recall her work from my previous post; if not, there's no time like the present to check it out.
And with that the circle is complete. Cool. In a circle with people from across the globe. Way cool.
Spray Glue
Heather Moore
link love
Just discovered your blog via designers block and I love your creative content. I'm going to link you on my "morning coffee visits" and i will be back to visit often k
Wow kstyle, thanks! When it rains it pours--I had no idea Designer's Block had linked to me. This is so exciting!
I've only had time to give your blog a quick look, but WAY GOOD STUFF! I'll be checking it out regularly, for sure.
Pleased ta meetcha.
Zzzzz...See that I was fast asleep, and am sadly two days late for thanking you for this undeserved but special post you did on my baby. SprayGlue. THANK YOU!
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