Oh, dear. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a new Most Coveted Object. And me without an extra cent to be found.
But the weather has been nothing but lousy, and these boots by designer Jeffrey Campbell would be just the thing to brighten a dull, dreary day.
Repeat mantra to self: "No money in, no money out. No money in, no money out."
Jeffrey Campbell
designer boots
rain boots
I have JC rain clogs that I bought on eBay from some store in Seattle a couple years ago...I LOVE them
Well they would certainly brighten up a dull day.
alyssa, I'm totally jealous!
Di, I think they'd brighten up ANY kinda day!
What fun...I would love them
Those are fab. What's your shoe size. Maybe we could buy one pair and share?:-)
gypsy purple, aren't they great? by the way, I took a brief look at your blog--it looks great and I'm looking forward to exploring it more!
maryam, sure! as long as you will let me relocate to your guest house. . . :)
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