Friends, I need your help. This little detective needs a logo, and has no money to pay someone to design it. But what I do have is books--an almost endless supply of used books. The picture above is an initial sample of the books available to the winner, who will receive five books of his or her choice. Do click on the picture to make it bigger. More books, and a text list of titles and authors, will be added over the next few days.
The official rules are also soon to be published, but here is the gist of it:
1. Anyone can submit a design, and they can submit as many as they want.
2. Submit designs as an e-mail attachment in jpeg format. My email address is in my profile.
3. The contest prize is five books from among those I've posted to choose from.
4. I'll pay to ship the books, and will ship them via media mail.
5. If I ask for and receive a revision to a submitted design, the designer will get to choose and receive one book per revision. If the final design wins, they can choose five books plus the number of revisions as their prize. If the design does not win, they can choose a book from those that remain after the winner has chosen theirs.
6. I'm the judge and my judgments are final.
7. Keep a copy of your design because I won't send them back.
8. If I don't like any of the designs, I don't have to use any of them as my logo. However, the design I deem "best" of those submitted will win the contest and the books.
9. E-mail any questions to me, but I won't give you any guidance on what I want in a logo. I have no idea, and won't know it 'till I see it. I'm like most annoying clients in that way.
10. The closing date for submissions will be March 16, with the winner announced on March 19. I reserve the right to extend the submission deadline if I feel the need to.
11. The winner will give over all rights to the logo for any and all purposes to me in a licensing agreement. However, they will retain the copyright and the right to use the logo as an example of their work.
12. Let's none of us get nasty or litigious if we have a disagreement or misunderstanding. We're all lovely people who can work things out fairly and decently. (If you're not, you're invited not to participate.)
So, how can you help? First, get to work on those designs! Submit them starting now! Tell your friends! Fellow bloggers, you can really help me out by letting people know about the contest, and you will have my undying gratitude if you do so. Let me know of any design forums and such where I can post about the contest. Tell me any other ideas you have for getting the word out--let's brainstorm here!
And I am so very grateful to any and all who submit designs, help get the word out, or offer a bit of encouragement in this effort. I hope we have some FUN with it!
used books
Oh, I hope I have time to work on this. :)
What a cool idea! I'll see what i can come up with.
I have no talent to offer, I just wanted to say, from one book lover to another...what a fabulous idea!
I wish I could join in but I haven't much logo sense either. Good luck all the same!
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