If you have any love for beauty, color, quilts, design, or fine art craftsmanship, you simply must go over to Melody Johnson's website. From the artist:
As a child I thought being an artist meant only being a painter, so I did everything necessary to live out that role. Painting realistically was my aim and achievement, but it gave me no great satisfaction. In my last semester of art school, a classmate introduced me to quilting and something about its scale, process, and non-pictorial geometry attracted me. Once I made that first quilt I found an excitement that was missing from my painting experience. I switched to making quilts and have never had a moment of regret.

I can't imagine that anyone has had a moment of regret over Melody's choice of medium!
Melody Johnson
Fine Art Crafts
I am speechless. OK I'll say this - these are truly stunning I love the Botanical Range but what a shame she has no close up pictures. GREAT FIND
Please indulge me and visit my blogsite and alternate blogsites where you can see my more recent work.
and www.fibermania.blogspot.com
O and thanks for all the nice press!
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