I am in love with this print! It's called "Alien Workshop" and is from the Pixel Organics line of nursery bedding from Pixel Modern Pieces. Nursery bedding! Is that not great? At the same time, is that not heartbreaking to those of us who don't have children? What am I to do, buy a crib bedding set simply because I love the print?
Pixel Modern Pieces is a west coast designer and manufacturer of children's clothing, bedding and furniture with a commitment to sustainable design for children that is "contemporary, yet whimsical." It is a family business, run by the husband and wife team of Chris and Shannon Svensrud. With the introduction of the Pixel Organics bedding line, they show their commitment to the environment by using organically grown cotton:
Currently 25% percent of the world’s pesticides are used for the production of conventional cotton. In other words to grow one pound of cotton it takes a third pound of toxic chemicals. It takes almost two pounds of chemicals to produce a four piece crib bedding set! These chemicals are more toxic and closer to home than you may think. In our home state of California, five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton are classified as cancer-causing chemicals by the EPA (cyanazine, dicofol, naled, propargite and trifluralin). United States is the second largest conventional cotton producer and the largest exporter in the world. There are no health risks posed by organic farming!And the design is outstanding. Check out this pair of contrasting fabrics for the "Scary Fish" bedding set:

Their clothing has apparently been raved about extensively in the press (from looking at their "In The News" page), and I also love their furniture line. Below is their adorable Galap Rocker, and then their beautiful Babylon High Chair in cherry.

Pixel Modern Pieces are available online at the Pixel Online Store, and also at Black Wagon, where, wonder of wonders, I've found a piece this childless Detective can actually use--a pendant lamp!

via print & pattern.
Pixel Modern Pieces
Pixel Organics
children's bedding
organic cotton
Black Wagon
i LOVE these patterns -- thanks for sharing! =)
Sorry for not posting comments lately but I am in Paris and the internet is not treating me well. Back to England later today so hopefully I will be back to normal. There has to be a price to pay for being in such a wonderful place!
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