Aren't we glad the seventies are over? "Be adventurous with paint!" is the section heading for this groovy number.
As a child of the seventies, I took this advice to heart: I insisted that my bedroom be painted in my favorite color, orange. (I have since discovered it is not my favorite color, but my favorite flavor. My favorite color is purple--and I do not like grape.)
My mother was sensible enough to convince me that bright yellow walls and orange accessories were the best way to go, for which I was later profoundly grateful, as the color scheme did not change until after I had left for college. She did, however, allow me to have orange and yellow carpeting with shag up to my ankles. She was pretty cool. Still is.

But this window treatmnt is, I think, rather clever:

And, finally, this next one is actually very sweet:

Aren't we glad the 70s are over? Yet at the same time, aren't we glad they happened?
All images are from the Better Homes and Gardens Decorating Book, Meredith Corporation, 1976.
the seventies
interior decorating
Better Homes and Gardens
Growing up, I decided that orange would be my favorite color cause it wasnt anyone else's favorite color. I didnt have to share it and I could have it all to myself.
I am actually kind of glad that orange is returning tho now I prefer it with a cad red. Really makes the red pop.
I love the images you show here! Great blog!
thank you, irene!
Egads! What's all the mid-century modern about if not the 70's? I've seen some magazine spreads where the rooms were such an exact copy of the 1970's that I thought I was having a flashback!
love the spoon curtain! could you do a bathroom one with loo brushes do you think?.........
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