The winning logo design, seen above, was submitted by Tawnya of Flutterbot. The delay in posting this had to do with licensing issues regarding the font, but that's all taken care of and it's all good!
Tawnya submitted a total of four logo designs, any one of which would have worked nicely, but this one is my favorite.
I thought it might be fun for you to see the books Tawnya chose:

Frankly, I'm as impressed with her choices as I am with her design skills!
Now all I have to do is figure out how to add the logo as the header of my blog and put a permanent "Logo Design by . . . " note in the template. I don't really do HTML . . . what I really need is a web designer. . . can't afford one. . . maybe a contest?
Many thanks to Tawnya, and to all who submitted logos!
Logo Contest
A good logo can work wonders for a company. It should ideally be designed by professional who specialize in designing such logos. Company Logo Design
First don't listen to Vincent.. I'm organic :) remember.. second if you need help with adding your logo I read a really cool blog post about how to do that.. I will forward it to you..
very nice! Congrats and looking forward to seeing it up and running.
Whoops Vincent, not good. I used to own an ad agency and I approve.
YAY! I received books for my subway ride home yesterday!! Thank you I LOVE them.
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